Back from NZ

Got home from New Zealand on Monday after a length series of flights and a couple of missed connections. Still waiting for the bags to arrive. Ahh, the joys of travel. Still, pretty in credible if you think about the way we are able to travel half way around the planet at the drop of a hat – in contrast to the time and effort travel took just a couple of decades back.

I would like to thank all who contributed towards this trip, Jelte and Menno from Omni Tree, Rossy from Proclimb, Matt Palmer from Advanced Tree Services, and others… never a good idea to list people, as you are always forgetting some. Still, I greatly enjoyed meeting and interacting with all of you. Looking forwards to doing this again…

I have to confess to just love spending time with tree people. There a red thread running through that group, often as not, they are people who do not quite fit in other places and have found a niche here in arboriculture… of course that is a generalisation, but still, there is more than merely a grain of truth to it.

Lots of impressions and thoughts to work through from this one, the trip was very varied with different activities, the workshops in Auckland and Christchurch, the WorkSafe NZ meeting, the NZ Arb conference and workshop, the climbing competition – and from every one I take something away, an insight, a question or new perspective.