Last week we had a treemagineers meeting up in Llanberris at DMM to do some work on some on-going projects. Here are some of my impressions…
Oh, by the way, California, if you are looking for where your rain went, you might want to check in the UK, I think that is where it all went…
We drove from London up and across to Wales in dense traffic most of the ways. If I was ever under the illusion that driving a truck towing an over-width shed on a flatbed trailer could possibly be a reason not to overtake another truck on the motorway, this trip proved me wrong. You can!
A bit scary to be around, mind you…
We finally got to Caernarfon in one piece and met up in Llanberris the next morning. I have said it before, but have to say again how every time I marvel how such sophisticated and beautiful gear can come out of a place that superficially feels rather haphazard and looks like a bunch of rather ramshackle industrial buildings. But once inside, it is so impressive to see the depth of dedication and knowledge invested in delivering the best possible product – and this is where the answer lies, this passion and common vision seems to be what drives the company.
(Yes, you can really tell how Nevena loves having her picture taken, just come so naturally. Teenagers, huh!?)
Treemagineers meetings are always a good thing. I like spending time with the others, whether it involves blue sky thinking, brainstorming or really getting stuck into a theme in an effort to gain a better understanding of the how and why we do things.
Here is an awkward moment, when Beddes realized he was being stalked by some bloke in full camo outfit, you can tell he was worried…
What are the pixels about? I could tell you, but then I am afraid I would have to take you round the back of the building and do something terminal to you, sorry, nothing personal. So I reckoned pixelating was the better option. Stay tuned for where this goes – let me say this much: I am very excited.
We had a nice evening out with Fred Hall, one of the directors of DMM. Fred is a source of endless stories related to all things climbing that will have you clutching your sides laughing. The Pub we went to in Caernarfon was the Black Boy Inn. Umm… yes, not very politically correct? That may have something to do with the fact that the place dates back to the 1550’s, I do not think that is a name you would chose today.
Then back to London, where we had a quick spin round Science Museum, a place I love – every time I go there, there seem to be new things to discover. This time I was thinking about how industry has changed from the Victorian age, where it was something you took pride in and displayed – oftentimes in a flamboyant fashion. Industrial design back then often incorporated ornamental elements that are in stark contrast to the very utilitarian take we have on industry today, where it is almost as though it were something slightly icky that needs to be hidden away…
Case in question? I loved the design of this Foden truck – I’d have one like a shot! Imagine rocking up to the next job in one of these… might be a bit heavy on fuel, mind you.
And finally, walking around the Information Age exhibition, I couldn’t help but marvel at how rapidly we have come to take for granted the means of communication we have at our disposal today, looking back at how computers looked just a couple of decades back really drives this point home. Certainly a long way from the machine allowing me to write down these thoughts and uploading them to a world-spanning net of information channels… quite an evolution from the talking drums of Mail, even though the basic aim is the same, which is to spread and share information.
And then back home. Yes, those treemagineers meetings are all about work, work, work – never any fun at all.