The Only Constant is Change

And so it is with some sadness that we announce the end of fifteen years of successful collaboration between Treemagineers Ltd and Teufelberger Fiber Rope GmbH.  We would like to thank, in particular, Markus Langanger for somehow spotting something of interest in our initial uncoordinated ideas and his energy to make things happen, always with an infectious smile, Anna Aschauer for creating the unfaltering foundation upon which Teufelberger Tree Care was constructed and Mr Florian Teufelberger for ongoing support over the years.

Treemagineers will continue to work closely with DMM in Wales to help develop products for the tree care, rescue and rigging worlds.  We are excited to expand our cooperation and very much look forward to what the future holds.

Treemagineers – All for the trees and none for a fall!